"A Message From Our Chair"
May 7, 2024
Remember our great Honorees are:
Ewing Democratic Municipal Committee, county committee
member & Treasurer. Volunteers generously on
campaigns and fundraisers. Active IFPTE, NJ AFL-CIO & CLC
union member, supporting union GOTV efforts for Democrats.
Pro-active innovative new PCDO member. PCDO Website and
Publicity Committee member, promoting social media and
member communications. Co-Chair, PCDO Elections
Committee, organized effective GOTV canvassing programs for
Democratic campaigns, organized downtown tabling.
BRIANA HILL (Hamilton)
Mercer County Young Democrats, Outreach Chair. Active
Hamilton Democratic Club member. Field Coordinator for
Hamilton Democrats campaign. Assisted with phone banks,
door-to-door programs, and volunteer recruitment.
Trenton School Board - elected 2023. Mercer County Young
Democrats, Treasurer. NJ Young Dems LGBTQ Caucus Co-
Chair. Actively participates in Democratic events and GOTV
campaign efforts throughout Mercer.
Mercer County Democratic Committee Reorganization
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 at Nottingham Ballroom
At the MCDC Reorganization, county committee members will elect the Mercer County Democratic Chairperson and other Executive Board members. More details will follow.
Pursuant to MCDC Constitution and Bylaws CLICK HERE, the Nominating Committee has been appointed. Any Mercer Democrat wishing to be considered for or re-elected to a position should send a letter of interest via email to MCDC at demchairperson@mercerdemocrats.com, by May 25, 12 Noon expressing your interest, with all of your contact information (name, home address, email, phone numbers) and relevant information about yourself.
VOTING Mercer County Democratic Endorsed Candidates President - Joe Biden U.S. Senate - Andy Kim Congress, District 3 - Herb Conaway, Jr. Congress, District 12 - Bonnie Watson Coleman County Commissioner- ∙ Samuel Frisby, Sr. ∙ Kristin McLaughlin ∙ Terrance Stokes Important Voter Deadlines Approaching.
REGISTER TO VOTE. Last day to register to vote in the June 4 Primary Election is Tuesday, May 14. Online Voter Registration Link; Printable Versions: English or Spanish
Three Ways to VOTE
VOTE BY MAIL (VBM): Vote by Mail Ballots automatically are sent ONLY to registered voters who previously have applied and requested a Vote by Mail Ballot for all future elections. For the Primary Election, a VBM Application must be submitted by mail by May 28, or by June 3 at 3 P.M. in person to the County Clerk’s office at 209 South Broad Street, Trenton. For VBM Applications, CLICK Vote By Mail Application, or contact your Municipal Clerk. Drop Boxes for the return of completed Vote by Mail Ballots are now open, Drop Box Locations.
EARLY IN-PERSON VOTING: Early Voting will be Wednesday, May 29 through Sunday, June 2. Hours are Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can vote at any of the 7 Mercer County sites. Early Voting Locations.
ELECTION DAY IN-PERSON VOTING: Tuesday, June 4 from 6 AM to 8 PM at your polling place. You can look up your polling place if unsure, by CLICKING HERE and entering your street address. |
Access by clicking on Calendar image below or CLICK HERE.
Is updated as information is received.
In Unity for Victory,
Mayor Janice Mironov
Mercer County Democratic Chairperson