October 9, 2022
Dear Fellow Democrat,
Mercer County Democratic Committee's GOTV EVENTwithSpecial Guest"Governor Phil Murphy", will be held onWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 5:30 PM to 7:30 P.M. at Coopers Riverviewin Trenton. We also are excited to hear from Congresswoman Bonnie Watson-Coleman and Congressman Andy Kim!
These key events, as you know, enable us to raise resources and importantly galvanizeus all toward victories in this critically important Election 2022.
This year, more than ever, we need your support to ensure we turn out the vote in Mercer County and in other critical Federal races in New Jersey and in Pennsylvania.
We hope you will consider joining us at this October 26 MCDC GOTV EVENT. Click HERE for Ticket, Sponsorship, & Support opportunities.
Let’s make this event a rousing success for our Mercer County Democratic Party and in support of our candidates and campaign and voter turnout activities. In Unity for Victory, Mayor Janice Mironov Mercer County Democratic Chairperson