"A Message From Our Chair"
November 3, 2023
Dear Fellow Democrat,

We are now Only 4 DAYS AWAY from the Finish Line! All hands on deck, these last days are crucial, and We Need YOU! Make sure you join the GOTV Rally for our County Candidates with US Senator CORY BOOKER this Saturday, November 4 at 3 PM. REMINDER! Vote Column A from the BOTTOM to the TOP and the TOP to the BOTTOM!

WE NEED YOU!!! MAKE THESE FINAL DAYS COUNT!!! HAMILTON DEMOCRATS Now Through Election Day Volunteer Opportunities - Canvassing - Phone Banking - Organizing Walk Pieces - LD14 - Mercer County - Hamilton Township Canvasses launch from Mercer Democratic Hamilton headquarters at 1905 NJ Route 33, Hamilton. Sign up here PRINCETON CANVASS All Weekend Through Election Day! - LD16 - Mercer County Canvasses launch from 135 Terhune Rd, Princeton. Sign up here
NOVEMBER 7 General Election EARLY IN-PERSON VOTING Is OPEN Today Friday, November 3 until 8 p.m. ; Saturday, November 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. & Sunday, November 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. CLICK HERE for Early In-Person Voting Locations VOTE BY MAIL REMEMBER To Return Completed Ballots! Voted Ballots must be placed in a Mercer County Dropbox or postmarked by 8 P.M. on Election Day, November 7. CLICK HERE for Drop Box Locations

Mercer County Young Democrats
"October 28 DAY OF ACTION"

Mercer Democrats Came Together in Huge Numbers for AMAZING Energizing Rousing
MCDC Get Out The Vote Event!

Access by clicking on Calendar image below or CLICK HERE .
Is updated as information received.

Moving Mercer Forward With Democrats
Let’s Get ALL Our Candidates Elected!

In Unity for Victory, Mayor Janice Mironov Mercer County Democratic Chairperson